Current Issue

Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 9/24/24

Year: 2024

Araştırma Makalesi

Olgu Sunumu


To present the studies, developments and changes in dentistry to the health components on an evidence-based basis, by giving priority to clinical practices and research that will shed light on clinical practices in all areas related to dental sciences.

The Journal of Clinical Sciences of Ankara Chamber of Dentists publishes original experimental and clinical research in the field of dentistry, case reports, reviews, editorial comments/discussions, scientific letters, technical notes, letters to the editor, news and announcements about the scientific activities of the chamber.

The publication language of the journal is English as of January 2024. Authors should be required to warrant that the manuscript must not have been published previously, accepted for publication or be under consideration in any journal. Abstracts presented in any scientific meeting must be indicated during submission. The authors take responsibility for the article during submission and peer review.
ORIGINAL RESEARCH ARTICLES that require an ethical statement but not state Ethics Committee Institution name, decision date and ID number will not be evaluated.
The authors must mention obtaining a signed informed consent for all CASE REPORTS and all required studies. The informed consents must be attached as a separate pdf file during manuscript submission.
Ethics Statements must be given in Materials and method section with ETHICS COMMITTEE Institute name, decision date and id number and the ethical statement must be attached as a separate pdf file during manuscript submission. Along with the similarity report of each article, the English proofreading certificate must be uploaded to the system as a pdf file.

Review Process

ADO Journal of Clinical Sciences uses double-blind review process meaning both reviewer and the author identities are concealed from each other, throughout the evaluation process. Therefore, the authors need to provide that their manuscript file are prepared in a way that does not give away their identity. Editors will invite the reviewers through the journal online system, after acceptance of the reviewers the evaluation process starts. Reviewers log into journal system and agree the invitation to download the related files and recommendation process. 

The period allowed for reviews: 4 weeks which can be modified during editorial process.

Original research article: Titles, Abstract (English and Turkish), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures and Figure legends.
Review article: Review articles need not contain Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion sections but may instead include the other headings as relevant.
Case report: Title (Long and short), Abstract (English and Turkish), Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, References, Tables, Figures and Figure Legends
Technical note: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Conclusions, References, Tables, Figures and Figure legends (if necessary)
Letter to Editor: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Conclusions, References, Tables, Figures and Figure legends (if necessary)

a- Each manuscript should be written normal and plain font (12-point Times New Roman) with a 1,5-line spacing justified and number all pages at medium-bottom consecutively.
b- Use first-line indent for each paragraph.
c- Use italic characters when citing terms in Latin or species names. (e.g. in vitro, Staphylococcus aureus).
d- Units and abreviations should be reported according to The International System of Units, (SI:, where appropriate. Abbreviation examples for commonly used units are: year-yr, week-wk, day-d, hour-h, minute-min, second-s, gram-g, liter-L, microliter-µL, meter-m, degrees Celsius-°C, etc. Turkish-writing authors should check the web site of Türk Dil Kurumu for an index of abbreviations. (TDK;
e- Use period (.) as the decimal points and leave a space between the digit and unit. (e.g. 12.3 mm, 37 0C) While giving a percentage value, do not put a space between the value and the percent sign (e.g. 0.2%).
f- The spell-out abbreviations followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis must be used on first mention in the text, unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measurement, and the same abbreviation must be used throughout the text.
g- The source of the material/equipment used in the study must be specified on the first mention. (name, manufacturer, city, state (if applicable), country in a parathesis). No need to mention the source on the subsequent citations of the same product. When mentioning another product manufactured by the same company that you specified before, it is sufficient to cite the company only.


Title page should consist of the followings:
a- The title of the article (in English and Turkish for Turkish-speaking authors)
b- A running title not exceeding 5 words. (in English and Turkish, for Turkish-speaking authors)
c- Full names of the authors including academic degrees. The institutional affiliation of the authors (including city and country) must be given below the names row, relating to a superscript number stated after the surnames.
d- ORCID identifiers of all authors. You should get one or check yours at
e- Contact information of the corresponding author (mailing address, office phone, and cell phone numbers and e-mail address)
f- Type of article (original research article, letter to editor, case report…)
g- Number of words separately in the abstract and the main text (excluding figure legends, table headings, and references) and number of references, figures and tables.
h- Funding source (specify the grant number, protocol number etc.)
i- Acknowledgements (previous presentation of the article in any scientific event)
j- Provide the ethical review board information (full name, date and number) here and in the text. Digital copy of the approval document should be uploaded to the system as a separate document during submission
k-Clinical trial registration information including registration site (e.g., registration number, date of registration and internet link (recommended).

The abstract must reflect what is included in the article and must not include information that does not appear in the main text of article. The abstract must be structured using headings: Objective, Materials and Methods, Results and Conclusion for research article and Introduction, Case report and Conclusion for case reports. Review articles, technical notes and letter to editors should not include any headings.
Abstract and keywords must be provided in both English and Turkish. Keywords should be selected from the Medical Subject Headings (MESH: and Türkiye Bilim Terimleri (TBT; The MeSH index in Turkish, and should be listed in alphabetical order, and separated with a semicolon (;). Keywords shouldn’t be chosen from the title and abstract, since those are automatically indexed; instead should be chosen from the main text.

The main problem and its significance must be explained without any headings. No conclusions, discussions and data should be included. In the last paragraph of the section, the aim of the study must be clearly stated and if applicable, research hypothesis should be given.
The materials, subjects, device and procedures should be described and names, sources of all commercial products should be identified (name, manufacturer, city and country)
Ethical issues should be mentioned in this section (full name of the Ethical Committee that approval was obtained, approval date, approval number should be written). If applicable, indicate that informed consent has been obtained.
Describe the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selection of the observational or experimental participants (patients, laboratory animals including control groups)
In the last paragraph of this section, describe in sufficient details the statistical analysis, if applicable. Define statistical terms and symbols. Specify computer software used.
Statistical findings should be reported but discussion or commentation of them avoided. Tables, graphics, or illustrations should be used, if necessary. This section should have subheadings.
Discuss the findings of the study and state the agreement or incompatibility with other studies and identify the limitations of the present study. Repetition of the information that given in introduction and results sections should be avoided.
In this section, authors should briefly and clearly list the conclusions of the study and state the basic massages of the study. Statistical details should not be included.
If the study was supported by a grant or other kind of funding, the name of the supporting organization or grant number should be given in this section.
State any potential conflict of interest or no conflict of interest. 

Labeling citation in ADO Journal of clinical Sciences is according to the Vancouver system. References must be identified in the main text with superscript Arabic numerals, consecutively. The complete reference list must be given in numerical order.
The titles of the journals must be abbreviated according to the style used in the list of Journal Indexed for MEDLINE. (
Unpublished data or personal communications are not accepted as references.
Examples of citing in the text:
… was stated in a previous study.1
… was stated in previous studies.2,4-6,8
In a recent study by Yılmaz9, it was reported that …
In a recent study by Yılmaz & Akın,10 it was reported that …
In a recent study by Yılmaz et al.,11 it was reported that …

Standard journal article                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1. Erkmen E, Şimşek B, Yucel E, Kurt A. Comparison of different fixation methods following sagittal split ramus osteotomies using three dimensional finite element analysis: Part 1: Advancement surgery-posterior loading. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2005;34:551-8.

Standard journal article with more than six authors
2. Tüter G, Kurtiş B, Serdar M, Aykan T, Okyay K, Yücel A, et al. Effects of scaling and root planing and sub-antimicrobial dose doxycycline on oral and systemic biomarkers of disease in patients with both chronic periodontitis and coronary artery disease. J Clin Periodontol 2007;34:673-81.

Thesis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3. Kayaoğlu G. Endodontik hastalık bakımından Enterococcus faecalis’in enfeksiyon ve direnç mekanizmalarının incelenmesi [tez]. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi; 2007.

Books and chapter in a book
4. Okeson JP. Management of Temporomandibular Disorders and Occlusion. 7th ed. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby; 2013. p. 171- 174                                                                            5. Alaçam A. Pedodontik Endodonti. Alaçam T, editör. Endodonti. 1. baskı. Ankara: GÜ Yayınları; 1990. s.809-859. 

All tables and figures must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals according to the order that they appear in the main text and thoroughly discussed. In manuscript, tables and figures must be given at the end of the main text, after the References section.
All figures must be in JPG, PNG, PDF or TIFF format with a high quality and uploaded with a separate document during submission. In histopathological images the colorant that used and the magnification amount must be stated.
In manuscript that contains images of person, written permission for their use must be obtained and submitted with manuscript.
When preparing a table, previously published articles in ADO Journal of Clincal Sciences may be taken as example. All tables must have a heading on the top of the table and uploaded together. Abbreviations, statistical information (p values or statistical analysis method, etc) must be given in footnotes placed belove the table. An asterisk or superscript letter should be used where necessary.
Total number of tables and figures in a manuscript should not exceed 6. 


Please click to download the entire file.

You can download the copyright and author agreement form while submitting the manuscript files.

Ethical Review Board Approval
In this journal, institutional ethics committee / ethical review board approval is required for all kinds of research using human subjects, human-derived material, and data (including extracted teeth). Informed consent signed by the patient is also required, where applicable. Concerning the medical research involving human subjects, ADO Journal of Clinical Sciences adheres to the ethical principles stated in the Declaration of Helsinki.
For studies using animals, ADO Journal of Clinical Sciences seeks the approval of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. It is recommended that the animals are treated according to the National Research Council’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. (
Review Process
Provided that manuscripts comply with the manuscript preparation guidelines, they go through a reviewing process:
The manuscript is first seen by the Editor-in-Chief and/or the Editor (1). If the content or the quality of the manuscript is not suitable for this journal, the manuscript may be rejected at this stage immediately.
Depending on the topic, the manuscript may be consulted to an Editorial Board member for eligibility and consideration for further scientific evaluation (the list is provided in the Journal Cover and on the Journal website) (2).
If the manuscript is not recommended for review by the consulted Editorial Board member, the reasons why the manuscript was rejected are passed on to the author.
If the manuscript is recommended for review by the consulted Editorial Board member, first, it is checked by the Statistical Editor for the appropriateness of the statistical analyses (3), then by the Technical Editor for the technical standardization (4). Afterward, an editor is assigned to carry out the scientific evaluation process (Editor-in-Chief or Editor or Associate-Editor).
At this stage, the manuscript is sent to at least two blinded-peer-reviewers chosen by the assigned editor (5). The reviewers give recommendations to the editor as ‘accept the article as it is’, ‘minor or major revisions required’, or ‘reject’. In case there is a disagreement between reviewers, the manuscript may be sent to (an) extra reviewer(s). The article can be published only after the required revisions are fulfilled by the author. However, taking into consideration the recommendations of the reviewers, the final decision belongs to the editor.
Note that a double-blind peer review system is adopted in this journal; the reviewers and the author remain anonymous to each other.

‘Conflict of interest’ and our management policies
According to the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) the definition and scope of conflict of interest (COI) are as follows: “In the context of medical publishing, COI exists when a participant in the publication process (author, peer reviewer, or editor) has a competing interest that could unduly influence (or be reasonably seen to do so) his or her responsibilities in the publication process. Among those responsibilities are academic honesty, unbiased conduct and reporting of research, and integrity of decisions or judgments. The publication process includes the submission of manuscripts, peer review, editorial decisions, and communication between authors, reviewers, and editors”.
Various types of COI may exist. The most frequently seen types of COI include: financial ties, academic commitments, personal relationships, political or religious beliefs, and institutional affiliations ( The existence of COI for particular submission does not necessarily mean that the article cannot be published in the journal, but requires effective management and that the Editors let readers know of it. In this journal, conflict of interest disclosure is obligatory.
Evaluation of a manuscript when a personal relationship exists (work partnership, friendship, superior-subordinate relationship, etc)
This is the most frequently encountered COI type in our journal. In this case, the Editor, having the COI, withdraws from the editorial process (WAME; abstaining from decisions where COI might arise).
Then, another editor (Editor-in-Chief, or Editor, or Associate Editor) who has no COI in that particular case takes over and carries out the routine editorial process.
In case all Editors have COI, the manuscript is consulted double-blinded to an Editorial Board member for eligibility. If the Editorial Board member does not recommend further evaluation of the manuscript, a rejection letter undersigned as ‘Editorial Board’ is delivered to the author. However, if the Editorial Board member recommends further evaluation of the manuscript, an editor is assigned, and the manuscript is taken to scientific evaluation. The final decision is given based on the reviewers’ recommendations. For an “accept” decision, positive recommendations of all or most of the reviewers are required, and the vice versa for a “reject” decision.

Evaluations of submissions from the Editor-in-Chief, the Editor or the Associate Editors
In this journal, the editors are actively involved in research, and all are potential authors. In case, one of the authors in a submission is the editor of this journal, then that person is excluded from the editorial process for that particular submission, and cannot attend editorial board meetings concerning their submission (WAME; exclusion of those with COI from the process; e.g., reviewer or editor).
In this case, the manuscript is consulted double-blinded to an Editorial Board member for eligibility. If the Editorial Board member does not recommend further evaluation of the manuscript, a rejection letter undersigned as ‘Editorial Board’ is delivered to the author. On the other hand, if the Editorial Board member recommends further evaluation of the manuscript, an editor is assigned, and the manuscript is taken to scientific evaluation. The final decision is given based on the reviewers’ recommendations. For an “accept” decision, positive recommendations of all or most of the reviewers are required, and the vice versa for a “reject” decision.

Publication Frequency
This journal is published 3 times per year.
The order of the publication of the articles is decided according to the date of the acceptance.

Open Access Policy
ADO Journal of Clinical Sciences is an Open Access journal.

Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement
ADO Journal of Clinical Sciences this sense, our main reference is the Guidance (Flowcharts & Guidelines) published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Corrections, Retractions, and Editorial Expressions of Concern
Corrections: In case a mistake not grossly affecting the findings is detected in published material (e.g. incorrect authors list, a missing image, a wrongly presented formula), a correction will be published in the next issue. The correction will be in the form of an Erratum (for author’s error) or a Corrigendum (for publisher’s error). Erratum and Corrigendum will be published on a numbered page and listed in the Issue Content list and will cite the original paper.
Retractions: If there is a big scientific mistake that would affect the conclusions of the article or infringement of professional ethical codes, the article can be retracted by the Editor and/or author. These mistakes include, but are not limited to, multiple submission, redundant publication, plagiarism, data fabrication, honest error (e.g. calculation errors, experimental errors). In this case, a retraction note with a page number will be published in the next issue with a title: “Retraction: [article title]”. This note will be listed in the Issue Content list. The text of the retraction will explain why the article is being retracted and will give a link to the original article. The original pdf article will be retained on the journal’s website, but a watermark reading ‘Retracted’ will be added on each page of the article.
For submissions under review or accepted but not published articles, authors can ask for a retraction. In this case, a request letter explaining the reason for retraction, agreed and signed by all authors must be sent to the Editor-in-Chief.
Expression of Concern: An editorial Expression of Concern can be published in the journal if there are well-grounded concerns about the contents of a published article, and the editor wants to warn readers of potentially misleading information contained in it.
Article removal: Exceptionally, due to conditions such as defamation, infringement of others’ legal rights, court orders, serious health risks that the article content might pose, etc., an article can be removed from the online database. In this case, the title and authors’ names (the metadata) will be retained on the web page, and a notification will be placed indicating that the article has been removed for legal reasons.

Plagiarism Check
In this journal, manuscripts are controlled for plagiarism (iThenticate) at the pre-review stage.

Authors may submit a formal appeal for rejected submissions (e.g. if they believe that a technical error was made during review, or a pertinent point was misunderstood/overlooked by the reviewers, etc). Appeal letters must be electronically sent to: The editorial office is the only address for the appeals, and no means of communication other than e-mail is allowed. The authors must provide detailed reasons for the appeal and point-by-point responses to the reviewers' and/or Editor's comments. At this point, a revised manuscript must not be sent.
Decisions on appeals are final without exception. Priority is given to new submissions, so the appeal process may take longer than the original submission process.


Any inquiry regarding the editorial process should be directed in written form to the Editorial Board through e-mail:
Commercial advertisements are not accepted in this journal.

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